Sunday, 30 March 2014

#Batman75 today

CELEBRATE! Today, Batman is 75 years old! Happy Birthday!
But, the cover says May 1939, right? Here's a statement from DC Comics about why March 30 is his official birth date:
"Based on historical data from the Registrar of Copyrights, DC Entertainment recognizes that the world's most popular Super Hero — Batman — was first introduced to the public 75 years ago on March 30, 1939, in Detective Comics #27.
It was common practice in 1939, and remains so today, for publications to go on sale prior to their indicated cover date. Thus, while the Bat-Man (as he was then known) first appeared in the May 1939 cover-dated issue of Detective Comics #27, that issue actually hit newsstands on March 30, 1939."
So, REJOICE! Today is the day! ‪#‎WEareBATMAN‬
CELEBRATE!  Today, Batman is 75 years old!  Happy Birthday!  But, the cover says May 1939, right?  Here's a statement from DC Comics about why March 30 is his official birth date:  "Based on historical data from the Registrar of Copyrights, DC Entertainment recognizes that the world's most popular Super Hero — Batman — was first introduced to the public 75 years ago on March 30, 1939, in Detective Comics #27.  It was common practice in 1939, and remains so today, for publications to go on sale prior to their indicated cover date. Thus, while the Bat-Man (as he was then known) first appeared in the May 1939 cover-dated issue of Detective Comics #27, that issue actually hit newsstands on March 30, 1939."  So, REJOICE!  Today is the day!  #WEareBATMAN

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