Wednesday 28 May 2008

Trailer awards

The DARK KNIGHT hasn't even been released yet and it's winning awards!!!!

Omelete has posted some great new banners for The Dark Knight.

In related news, the movie has already won an award, and by no less than a 44% margin of victory! It received the Best Action trailer award in USA Today's Golden Trailer Awards.

Bale on Batman, Ledger, and more.....

Christian Bale had an interview with DETAILS mag. Click the link to find out more. There's a video interview with Heath and some other cool stuff.
THE DARK KNIGHT opens on July 18th!!

Sunday 25 May 2008

Batman vs. Iron Man

The summer movie season is here. Many great blockbusters are heading our way. Some have already started (Iron Man, Indiana Jones) So lets take a look at 2 biggies and do some comparisons.
Lets face it. Iron Man is Marvel's answer to Batman.
Both are billionaire playboys. Iron Man's is really who he he is. Batman's is more of a persona. Both have no "super powers". Both have gadgets to assist them. Iron Man has his suit, Batman has the batarang and the Batmobile.
However, Batman debuted in 1937, Iron Man not until 1963. So...I can't help but think there was some "borrowing of ideas" here.....

Anyway, take a look at this little parody and enjoy the summer movie season!!!

Tuesday 13 May 2008

The New X-Files Movie!

I've been an X-phile ever since the pilot episode hit the small screen.
I love it!
I just recently bought the entire DVD set of all 9 seasons!!! I'm only on season 3 right now....some many shows, so little time.

Check out the X-Files web site for the official trailer.
I hope the Lone Gunmen make an appearance!!

I just realized that they died in the final season of the TV show....oops! I guess they won't be bringing them back. Too Bad.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

The Tim Burton Batmobile Is For Sale

While most of us enjoyed yesterday's Dark Night trailer—though we found typing on lopsided laptops for the remainder of the day a bit inconvenient—watching Batman on the silver screen has and will always be a vicarious experience. It's a humbling reminder that we weren't separated from our parents by tragedy and that we don't live in cities completely overrun by psychotic criminals who lust for torture more than money.

But at least we can score the real Batmobile.

From Tim Burton's original Batman, an eBay seller is offering up one of the five existing Batmobiles. It's 20 feet long and 8 feet wide, sitting on a custom-built chassis and powered by a Chevrolet 350 engine.

Of course you get creature comforts like black leather seats, but it's the vehicle's inconvenience that seals the deal on its $500,000 pricetag. You have to enter from the top canopy, just like Batman did in the movie. Because superheroes fucking hate doors.

Monday 5 May 2008

Billionare Tony Stark brings in the Millions

Iron Man opened this weekend and brought in nearly $100 million.
I guess that's a good opening weekend. Just wait until July 18th, when The Dark Knight opens!!!!


Sunday 4 May 2008


Here's the brand new trailer for THE DARK KNIGHT!!!!
This is going to be SO cool!!!
I can't wait to see on the big screen.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Jokerized Dark Knight trailer

It looks like the 12 people that got the Dark Knight trailer reel on Monday, at the New York Comic Con. During the viral marketing event they were handed a "Jokerized" version of the clip! Check it out!

The second Dark Knight trailer should be coming out on May 4th.

Stay tuned.