Tuesday, 22 June 2010

BATMAN 3: The Joker will NOT feature

BATMAN 3: The Joker will NOT feature says Chris Nolan
When asked on whether Nolan would re-cast The Joker for Batman 3, he ‘emphatically and without hesitation’ answers “NO!”.
So that’s it, all the two year speculation on the ethics behind a potential re-casting of the late Heath Ledger in his Oscar winning, iconic role can be put to bed. THE JOKER WON’T APPEAR IN BATMAN 3. Presumably we have to imagine him for the time being as a mental patient locked up in Arkham Asylum.
Transcript is after the jump;

From the latest issue of Empire magazine;
There is the ever-lurking question about villains: who will The Dark Knight tussle with this time… Could it possibly be a returning (and recast) Joker, pulling strings from Arkham, Lecter-style, Empire wonders?
“No”, says Nolan emphatically and unhesitatingly. He resists elaborating simply because, quite understandably, he says, “I just don’t feel comfortable talking about it”.


  1. Honestly, I wish that they did not even consider making a third. The Dark Knight was just so awesome, its finished. I really doubt they have a chance of besting it, so why try?

  2. good point about not even making a 3rd film, but y'know Hollywood, they can't leave things alone. And I have to admit, I'm excited to see what Nolan does next.
