Motorcycles. Vietnam has a lot of them. So how do you set yourself apart from the crowd whilst cruising through the streets? How about trying to make your ride look like the Batpod? While it's not the ideal setup for a pod lookalike (note the non rotating front tire, the fact he's sitting up), it is a noble effort
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Batman vs. Captain America In Real Life
Batman The Dark Knight takes on Captain America the first Super Soldier. Who would win in a fight? We want you to decide! It's batarang vs. shield in the first episode of Ultimate Fan Fights!
Stop-Motion Fan Film
"Batman: Dark Knightfall" is a Batman fan made stop-motion animation directed by Derek Kwok and Henri Wong using Batman toys.
A Review of TDKR
"I must admit I went with my standards pretty high. As fans (some of more hard core than others) we take with us certain expectations, even without taking the Dark knight in to consideration, these expectations are high. I’m going to have to say I wasn’t disappointed with this film even with all my preconceptions..."
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
46 Things You Probably Don’t Know About the Batman Films
A very good article for all you Bat-fans out there. Some interesting tidbits and somethings we already new. Here are some hi-lights;
A very good article for all you Bat-fans out there. Some interesting tidbits and somethings we already new. Here are some hi-lights;
- Michael Uslan — who, in 1971, convinced Indiana University to let him teach the first ever college-accredited course on comic books — bought the film rights for Batman in 1979. (By that time, Uslan had scored a job at DC Comics.)
- Jack Nicholson was always the first choice to play the Joker, though others were considered, including Tim Curry, Willem Dafoe, David Bowie, Robin Williams, and James Woods.
- When Billy Dee Williams accepted the role of Harvey Dent in Batman, it was so he could play Two-Face in a future film. But when Schumacher took over the franchise, he had different plans. Tommy Lee Jones was offered the role and took it in part because his son Austin, 11 at the time, said Two-Face was his favorite character.
- Schumacher's most controversial changes in Batman Forever was adding nipples to the Batsuit, an idea he got from statues of Greek gods. The nipples went over poorly with many Batfans. More important, Jim Carrey says the nipples "pissed off Bob Kane,"
- Two weeks after wrapping Batman & Robin, Schumacher began work on a sequel entitled Batman Triumphant. There was a writer, a villain (Scarecrow), and a mid-1999 release date.
- Nolan shied away from using CGI whenever possible, even attempting to use real bats on the set. That lasted one day.
- Heath Ledger directed both videos sent to the news network GCN by the Joker. Nolan supervised the direction of the first and gave the actor full autonomy to direct the second.
- Hans Zimmer set out to create the Joker's signature sound without retreading stock villain music. He started experimenting with razor blades on piano wire and pencils tapping on the floor. Ultimately the sound he settled on hinged on playing two conflicting notes on a cello then adding in a guitar part played with a piece of metal.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Christian Bale Visits the Victims of the Aurora Theater Shooting
Christian Bale, star of the Batman films, is in town visiting victims of the Aurora movie theater shooting, Warner Brothers officials confirmed.
"Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers," said an assistant for Susan Fleishman, executive vice president for Warner Brothers corporate communications.The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises was truly the conclusion to the Nolan-verse Batman. Excellently told story, great action sequences, and I left the theatre wanting more, and more.
I liked it! Nolan, I think, likes to leave a lot up to the public to interpret. I think it was a fine ending to the trilogy. Was it the best outta the 3? Probally not, but certainly worth going to the theatre to see it!!! I'm going again this week.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Facts about Bats (vehicles etc.)
Did you know… All these facts about The Bat suit, Bat Mobile, Bane and The Bat as it says on the image????
Did you know… All these facts about The Bat suit, Bat Mobile, Bane and The Bat as it says on the image????
Friday, 20 July 2012
Canadians Rejoice! Captain Canuck Will Be Granted His Own Feature Film
Created in 1975 by Richard Comely, Captain Canuck was a secret agent granted super-strength and super-speed after exposure to extraterrestrial zeta rays.
Created in 1975 by Richard Comely, Captain Canuck was a secret agent granted super-strength and super-speed after exposure to extraterrestrial zeta rays.
Screen Rant has just reported that Mind’s Eye Entertainment, searching far and wide, have selected Arne Olsen to turn a fifteen page sample treatment into a full length feature screenplay for Canada’s answer to Captain America, Captain Canuck.
Yup, Arne Olsen – yes THAT Arne Olsen of The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie fame – beat out numerous other test scripts to win full writing credits on a Captain Canuck film looking to start production within the next year and a half.
Christopher Nolan Statement on Colorado Theater Shooting Tragedy
Christopher Nolan Statement on Colorado Theater Shooting Tragedy | Superhero Hype
Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of The Dark Knight Rises, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community. I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me. Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families.
Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of The Dark Knight Rises, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community. I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theatre is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me. Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families.
$30.6 Million Midnights for Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros. Pictures' The Dark Knight Rises has reported an estimated midnight gross of $30.6 million in 3,700 locations, besting the $18 million reported by Marvel's The Avengers, the current opening weekend record holder, this past May.
Friday, 13 July 2012
Captain Canuck Movie?
From The Avengers to The Amazing Spider-Man to the eagerly awaited The Dark Knight Rises — all of them based in New York (or, in the latter case, Gotham City, a shadier version of the Big Apple) — comic franchises continue to capture the imaginations, and the wallets, of movie-going audiences the world over. Still, isn’t it about time we had our own hero in tights fighting on the big screen for truth, justice and the Canadian way?
From The Avengers to The Amazing Spider-Man to the eagerly awaited The Dark Knight Rises — all of them based in New York (or, in the latter case, Gotham City, a shadier version of the Big Apple) — comic franchises continue to capture the imaginations, and the wallets, of movie-going audiences the world over. Still, isn’t it about time we had our own hero in tights fighting on the big screen for truth, justice and the Canadian way?
Tuesday, 3 July 2012
How Batman vs. Superman's Development Hell Gave Way to Batman Begins
With The Dark Knight Rises less than 2 weeks away...I thought this would be a good time to look at how Nolan's Batman came into being.
This is a very cool read. Lengthy, but interesting to comic geeks.
As Goyer recalls, “I said, ‘If I did do it, this is what I would do, and you can have my ideas for free.’ I talked for about an hour and spit-balled a large amount of what the film is, and Chris said, ‘Wow, that sounds great.’ He went away again for a few more days, [then] I got a call saying, ‘You have to do this.’” Goyer carved out the time to write the first draft of the script.
This is a very cool read. Lengthy, but interesting to comic geeks.
25 Best Comic Runs of the Decade
25 Best Comic Runs of the Decade - Comics Feature at IGN
Not only did BATMAN (Grant Morrison) make it to #1, there is a definite Gothamatic tone to the list....
When we reflect upon the history of superhero comics, we often talk about seminal runs on a given title that become the must-read stories for future generations of comic book readers. Frank Miller's Daredevil, Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams' Batman, Chris Claremont and John Byrne's X-Men, Alan Moore's Swamp Thing, and Walt Simonson's Thor are held in the highest regard of comic book fans, often cited as the best of the best that superhero comics have to offer.
But what about the last ten years?
Not only did BATMAN (Grant Morrison) make it to #1, there is a definite Gothamatic tone to the list....
- 22 Catwoman
- 18 Birds of Prey
- 14 Batgirl
- 13 Detective Comics
- 7 Gotham Central
Wicked Awesome Cosplay
Check the link for more images!
It’s unusual to see cosplay this good, and even more so when it’s not just one or two characters but over half a dozen! Drawing from the DC universe, these cosplayers took heroes like Batgirl and Robin and pitted them against famous villains like Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. They even staged some fantastic photos of everyone engaged in battle.
Check the link for more images!
Sunday, 1 July 2012
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