More of Canada’s First Superheroes to be reprinted starting with Johnny Canuck!
Toronto-based comic book historian, Rachel Richey is excited to announce that she has obtained the publication rights to characters of Golden Age publisher Bell Features. These Canadian wartime comics will be published as full collections starting with Johnny Canuck, Thunderfist, and Adrian Dingle’s The Penguin.
Warner Bros. to show 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' clip at Comic-Con? — (@BatmanNewsCom) June 22, 2014
We’re still two years away from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but next month’s San Diego Comic-Con has the potential to be very interesting for Batman fans. We’ve already heard that Warner Bros. is planning to announce their DC movie roadmap and perhaps even the cast of the Justice League movie. According to a new rumor from Latino Review’s Umberto “El Mayimbe” Gonzalez, Warner Bros. may even be ready to show off the first footage from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
In order to combat negative rumors about the production, a theatrical trailer was hastily assembled to be distributed to theaters. To test its effectiveness, Warner Bros. executives showed it at a theater in Westwood, California to an unsuspecting audience. The ninety-second trailer received a standing ovation. Later, it would become a popular bootleg at comic book conventions, and theater owners would report patrons paying full price for movie tickets just to have an opportunity to see the trailer, and leaving before the feature began.
As Warner Bros. and DC ramp up their superheroic output as part of their answer to Marvel’s domination of the genre in cinemas, we have some confirmed movies – such as the in-production Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and the planned Justice League follow up, plus a rumoured future schedule. Another possibility has emerged from Latino Review’s sources, with whispers that Ben Affleck’s Batman will appear in his own stand-alone film, working titled The Batman. Naturally, none of this has been confirmed by the studio, so you may file it firmly in the Bat-rumour storage caves for now. But with Affleck signed on for multiple outings as the Caped Crusader, the idea is hardly far fetched. Warners would naturally want to capitalise on any potential goodwill generated by Zack Snyder’s two new movies and it only seems right that the new Bats score his own adventure.
"You know the Dark Knight was one of the most complex superhero movies ever. But did you know these seven surprising behind-the-scenes factoids?? "These 7 facts will make you appreciate Christopher Nolan's vision, Heath Ledger's performance, and the hard work of everyone who worked on the Dark Knight all the more. Or at least you'll know some obscure trivia so you can out-geek your geeky friends."
There are a handful of characters that were created for other media before they found their way into the comic universes of Marvel and DC. Here is a list of ten comic characters that you may or may not know originated outside of the comics.
OK, maybe I should NOT have used the phrase "real-life" in the title because I don't think this thing is actually drive-able, ha! But you get the idea. Check out these amazing photos of a car that Warner Bros had built to showcase their new video game, BATMAN: ARKHAM KNIGHT.
We're sure this thing will be appearing at most of this year's major Comic Book Conventions to promote the game.... KICK ASS!! Hey, if anyone out there gets a chance to see it in real-life (yes, a stupid PUN) please send us some pics. I love this new car!
Here is a variant of the upcoming Summer Special by the brilliant George Freeman. A limited number of variants will be available through and participating comic stores across Canada. A list of the stores will be posted online shortly!
How do those meddling kids do it? How do Scooby and the gang keep such an upbeat attitude as they pass through a world of decay and darkness? For the Mystery Inc. team every day amounts to stormy skies and abandoned places. Every destination is a haven for greed and deception where more than half the people they meet are fear mongering criminals. Perhaps Scoob and company cope with their bleak reality by finding comfort in the beauty that surrounds them.
The background art in Scooby Doo Where Are You? (1969-1971) is equally splendid and foreboding. The rich, painterly environment almost compensates for the clunky character animation. Ex-Disney artist, Walt Peregoy set a high standard during his brief, first episode stint as Background Stylist. But the background crew continued to churn out quality, creepy work throughout the following two seasons. Hanna-Barbera may be known for their annoying use of repeated, looping backgrounds but, as you are about to see, in this case the sublime scenery is well worth another look.
In celebration of the great nation of Canada, Captain Canuck Incorporated is releasing the 1st Annual Captain Canuck Canada Day Edition.
WHEN & WHERE : From June 28- July 1st, 2014, the Canada Day edition will be distributed free through comic book stores, public libraries, convenience stores and shopping malls across Canada. After July 1st, it will be sold at comic book shops across Canada for $2.99.
Ask any comic book nerds and they'll tell you that there are two things that define Batman: With enough prep time, he could take down God himself, and he never, ever takes a life. However, for a guy who supposedly took a vow to never use a gun or kill any of his enemies (thus justifying the continued existence of the Joker), it turns out that Batman has not just murdered several dudes over the years, but done so in gruesome ways that probably made his victims wish that he'd just shot them.
May 2016 – Batman v Superman July 2016 – Shazam Xmas 2016 – Sandman May 2017 – Justice League July 2017 – Wonder Woman Xmas 2017 – Flash and Green Lantern team-up May 2018 – Man Of Steel 2
The report also gives the reason whyBatman v Superman was delayed, and that reason is that the film will act as a launching pad for Justice League, which is something a lot of fans speculated anyway. The site's source then says that the superheroes in their cinematic universe will make cameos in each other's films. Here's the quote explaining that:
"Like Marvel’s The Avengers, there will be cameos of superheroes for future installments. The cameos will include the already known Cyborg and Flash. Green Lantern [not played by Ryan Reynolds, thank god] may be introduced. And Aquaman will be seen in the Justice League movie. Problem is, Warner Bros Pictures was still negotiating with the actors for those cameos and future roles, meaning major contracts for multiple JL/character films to follow. The studio didn’t want to move forward until they had more of this secure so they held off starting production for a few months. Seemingly simple reason, but the implications are pretty darn huge."
Birdman tells the story of an actor (Keaton) – famous for portraying an iconic superhero – as he struggles to mount a Broadway play. In the days leading up to opening night, he battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his career, and himself.
After a life-long love of Batman, 29-year-old Sydney man Zac Mihajlovic spent two years building a Batmobile in his backyard. The superhero enthusiast made a 6.2 metre Batmobile modelled in accurate detail on the one used by Batman in the 1989 movie - the only one in the world with full street registration. With a passion for the winged comic character, in 2009 Mr Mihajlovic bought a few spare parts from the actual Batmobile used in the movie and put them away. 'I'm a car and bike guy so I love all that sort of stuff,' he said. 'It doesn't get much better, if you can build anything what would you build? For me it was a Batmobile.'
For a limited time, you’ll be able to get up close to the iconic costumes, gadgetry and vehicles used in all seven movies as we open the doors to the Batcave and reveal some closely-guarded filmmaking secrets. Expert tour guides will accompany you as you spot iconic locations from the movies and will lead you to our newly-transformed Studio Tour museum – with the entire ground floor now dedicated to the Caped Crusader.
Superman was the template for superheroes. He spawned a franchise so lucrative it enticed The Walt Disney Company to spend $4 billion in 2009 to buy Marvel Entertainment.
How do you track down a priceless artifact when fakes are everywhere and the owner isn't even sure it's missing? In this excerpt from a Star Dispatches eread, Sandro Contenta looks at the seedy underbelly of the comic book black market.
During A Conversation with Mark Hamill, the legend performed a famous scene from Star Wars, acting out both the parts of Luke Skywalker and the voice of the Joker.
As part of the Batman Day festivities is a new timeline poster highlighting various major events in Bat-history, including the 1966 debut of the live-action "Batman" TV series, the 1986 publication of Frank Miller and Klaus Janson's "The Dark Knight Returns" and the start of director Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight Trilogy" with 2005's "Batman Begins." The poster will not be made commercially available, but a DC representative says some retailers may have it up as a display.
Here is the new Batmobile feature video from Batman: Arkham Knight, along with some new screen shots of the now delayed game. It's schedule for 2015 now.