Everything you needed to know......well, maybe not EVERYTHING
Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Racists Totally Freak Out
Another day, another racist freak-out over non-white superheroes. But unlike the hilariously dishonest racism we saw when the Council of Conservative Citizens called for a boycott of Marvel's Thor movie on account of a mythical Norse god's depiction as a black man, a recent round of conservative attacks on Nightrunner -- DC's Muslim Batman of Paris -- are prejudicial in a more insidious way. While the CCC put forth a laughably tenuous justification for their outrage, it was with respect to one specific character in one specific context. The argument against Nightrunner, led by conservative blogger Warner Todd Huston, is based on the bigoted belief that a Muslim superhero is by definition an exercise in deceitful political correctness, and that Muslims are natively evil.
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Batman vs the Death Star
Here's a nice little mashup of the first burton Batman film and Star wars!! gotta love fanboys!
Monday, 27 December 2010
Batman Onstar Movie
This guy did a good job of this, he combines all 6 Onstar Batman commercials that aired in 2001 to make a movie trailer for a nonexistent film.
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Another actor hospitalized after Spider-Man accident
TheStar Another actor hospitalized after Spider-Man accident
The $65 million musical produced by Toronto’s Michael Cohl suffered yet another set-back on Monday night, when a 31 year-old actor identified as Christopher Tierney fell 30 feet to the stage during a climactic flying sequence.
Firefighters were called to the Foxwoods Theatre in New York City at 10:45 p.m. Monday in response to an emergency call. Audience photos showed a man, later identified as Tierney, wearing a neck brace as he was wheeled out on a gurney.
The $65 million musical produced by Toronto’s Michael Cohl suffered yet another set-back on Monday night, when a 31 year-old actor identified as Christopher Tierney fell 30 feet to the stage during a climactic flying sequence.
Firefighters were called to the Foxwoods Theatre in New York City at 10:45 p.m. Monday in response to an emergency call. Audience photos showed a man, later identified as Tierney, wearing a neck brace as he was wheeled out on a gurney.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Friday, 17 December 2010
DC Comics Secret Origins
I did blog about this before (HERE) but now there is better video trailer. Just in time for Christmas...
Secret Origin: The Story of DC Comics, a feature length documentary exploring the history, creators and characters of DC Comics. Look for this great sounding DVD in stores on November 9, 2010.
Superheroes’ Home Cities
As if the fictional worlds from comic books and sci-fi flicks weren’t already on most geek’s destination wish lists, Justin Van Genderen’s new travel posters show off pulp cities like Gotham and Metropolis.
“If superheroes really existed in this world we might see a poster like these in some old travel agency, all tattered hanging on the wall,” Van Genderen said in an e-mail interview with Wired.com
The homes of Batman, Superman and the rest all get the retro-pop treatment in Van Genderen’s five new images, which were inspired by minimalist propaganda posters and old Art Deco travel prints. The style has become a trademark of the Chicago freelance artist.
Read and SEE more here.
“If superheroes really existed in this world we might see a poster like these in some old travel agency, all tattered hanging on the wall,” Van Genderen said in an e-mail interview with Wired.com
The homes of Batman, Superman and the rest all get the retro-pop treatment in Van Genderen’s five new images, which were inspired by minimalist propaganda posters and old Art Deco travel prints. The style has become a trademark of the Chicago freelance artist.
Read and SEE more here.
Star Wars Cookie Cutters

It also comes with a detailed guide on how to decorate them.
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Arkham City!!! Freakin' Awesome
The Villain of the game, as revealed in the elaborate teaser below, is Hugo Strange. A mad scientist who became obsessed with Batman, Strange is one of the earlier comic book Batman villains and there has been much speculation that he could make a big-screen appearance in 2012's The Dark Knight Rises.
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Tia Carrere coming to Calgary!!!
Actress, Grammy-winning recording artist & producer is coming to the Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo 2011
She will be joining other stars like William Shatner, Mike Mignola, and George A. Romero.
Hot Chicks in Batman Shirts
you read that right.
Hot Chicks is Batman Shirts is the name of a website dedicated to....well......Hot Chicks is Batman Shirts!!!
Friday, 3 December 2010
No Eckhart -- AND Two Face -- In THE DARK KNIGHT RISES
BATMAN-ON-FILM.COM - Official: No Eckhart -- AND Two Face -- In THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (12.3.10)
Despite the fact that Harvey Dent -- AND Two Face -- died at the end of THE DARK KNIGHT, many folks continued thinking and hoping that the character would return in BATMAN
It ain't.
Per the man himself -- actor
Aaron Eckhart -- neither he or Dent will be in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Here's what he told MTV...
"Chris and I had a meeting, on the beach, just the two of us. I said, 'Chris, a lot of people are asking me if I'm in the next BATMAN. And Chris said, 'Yes?' I said, 'Am I?' He looked at me and he said, 'No.' We found ourselves alone on the beach together on a stormy day and he delivered the news to me and I was heartbroken. I was heartbroken. But Chris has his reasons and my life must go on."
AND...... the "word on the street" has pre-production for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES beginning in March of 2011. Filming is said to begin two months later in May.
Thanks to JETT over at BATMAN-ON-FILM.COM for keeping us updated on all the latest and greatest.
Despite the fact that Harvey Dent -- AND Two Face -- died at the end of THE DARK KNIGHT, many folks continued thinking and hoping that the character would return in BATMAN
It ain't.
Per the man himself -- actor
AND...... the "word on the street" has pre-production for THE DARK KNIGHT RISES beginning in March of 2011. Filming is said to begin two months later in May.
Thanks to JETT over at BATMAN-ON-FILM.COM for keeping us updated on all the latest and greatest.
DC Universe™ Online - Gotham City
Take a tour of Gotham City, with the lastest DC universe on-line game.
Thursday, 2 December 2010
TheStar ‘Spider-Man’ Broadway preview stopped five times
TheStar ‘Spider-Man’ Broadway preview stopped five times
Spider-Man flew over the skies of New York City on Sunday night . . . sort of.
The $65-million Broadway musical, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, being produced by Toronto's Michael Cohl, had its long-awaited, much-postponed first preview at the Foxwoods Theatre, only to have it stopped five times due to technical difficulties.
Normally, the show is expected to run 2½ hours, but Sunday’s performance started 25 minutes late and took 3½ hours due to all the problems that ensued.
Spider-Man flew over the skies of New York City on Sunday night . . . sort of.
The $65-million Broadway musical, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, being produced by Toronto's Michael Cohl, had its long-awaited, much-postponed first preview at the Foxwoods Theatre, only to have it stopped five times due to technical difficulties.
Normally, the show is expected to run 2½ hours, but Sunday’s performance started 25 minutes late and took 3½ hours due to all the problems that ensued.
Batman - Javier Olivares
A great little Fan Film....possibly a film school project? Very good....but seems to be cut off abruptly.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
The one and only William Shatner is the 2011 Calgary Expo Sci-Fi guest of honor! Best known as Captain James T. Kirk from the original Star Trek series. Mr. Shatner will be appearing on Saturday only!
Also appearing, Mike Mignola of HELLBOY fame
Monday, 29 November 2010
Spider-Man Bombs
Well I've said it before....and I'll say it again. Looks like things with the Spider-man Musical are not working out to well.
All $65 million of the new Broadway musical “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark” took flight on Sunday night at its first preview performance, but not without bumps. The show stopped five times, mostly to fix technical problems, and Act I ended prematurely, with Spider-Man stuck dangling 10 feet above audience members, while Act II was marred by a nasty catcall during one of the mid-performance pauses.
Well I've said it before....and I'll say it again. Looks like things with the Spider-man Musical are not working out to well.
All $65 million of the new Broadway musical “Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark” took flight on Sunday night at its first preview performance, but not without bumps. The show stopped five times, mostly to fix technical problems, and Act I ended prematurely, with Spider-Man stuck dangling 10 feet above audience members, while Act II was marred by a nasty catcall during one of the mid-performance pauses.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
A Little Bat-history
In Batgirl issue 15, Batgirl Stephanie Brown ( who used to be The Spoiler) explained (and illustrated) Batman’s entire history to Oracle’s new protégées Wendy Harris. It’s a cute but accurate depiction of every major character in the Bat family.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Heart to Heart with Harley: A Message from Harley Quinn to Queer Geek Yo...
We have all heard of the It Gets Better project.Well even super villains are stepping up to tell gay youth, its OK.
Mike Mignola on the way to Calgary!!!!
I'm diggin' through my comic boxes for this one!!!
Hellboy creator and superstar comic artist Mike Mignola makes his way to the Calgary Expo in 2011!!!!!
Mignola also designed the Batman: The Animated Series version of Mr Freeze and also produced several character designs used in Batman Beyond.Advance Tickets go on sale December 1 2010.
Hellboy creator and superstar comic artist Mike Mignola makes his way to the Calgary Expo in 2011!!!!!
Mignola also designed the Batman: The Animated Series version of Mr Freeze and also produced several character designs used in Batman Beyond.Advance Tickets go on sale December 1 2010.
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Riddler Car for Sale
Super Mod Champion for 2007. Check out the link for all the specs.
CARS - Batmobiles
Check out this guys version of the Batmobiles done ala CARS. Pretty cool!
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Bale talks Dark Knight Rises
Check out this link to hear Christian Bale speak BRIEFLY about the 3rd B-Man instalment.

Here is a nice little interview with Christian Bale (for THE FIGHTER actually) in which he discusses "The Man with a plan" (Chris Nolan), how he deals with Batman on rumours, and how this is probably the last time he'll play Batman. Enjoy! http://www.eonline.com/videos/v92337_christian-bale-talks-oscar-buzz.html
Monday, 22 November 2010
Back to the Bat-future
Batman Beyond Complete Series
The futuristic cartoon Batman Beyond may have been ahead of its time when it premiered in 1999, but the under-appreciated series is currently having a bit of renaissance with a pop culture comeback. Repeats of the animated show — which featured teenager Terry McGinnis taking over the role of the Dark Knight, with an elderly Bruce Wayne as his mentor — air daily (at 7:30am/6:30c and 5:30pm/4:30c) on the new network The Hub. The character has also returned to the printed page, with a recent comic book miniseries proving so popular that DC Comics will launch a monthly series in January. And the nine-disc DVD set Batman Beyond: The Complete Series comes out from Warner Home Video on Tuesday. Read the complete article here.
Check out my little Batman Beyond Mash up.....
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Is Dark Knight Rises based on PREY?????
Check out this article for the full remour/details
Christopher Nolan's third Batman film cranks into production early next year, and the rumors are flying like bats driven mad by a sonar belt. And now one site is claiming they know what Nolan's story will be based on. Spoilers?
For the past few days, the rumor mill has been claiming that Inception's Tom Hardy will be playing Hugo Strange, the crazy psychologist who's obsessed with Batman. And now ScriptFlags.com has gone one step further, claiming that the script, due in January, will be based on "Prey," a Batman storyline from the Legends of the Dark Knight anthology series. (They claim to have been told this by a publicist, which makes it seem less likely to be true.) This also jibes with predictions made by TotalFilm recently.
Christopher Nolan's third Batman film cranks into production early next year, and the rumors are flying like bats driven mad by a sonar belt. And now one site is claiming they know what Nolan's story will be based on. Spoilers?
For the past few days, the rumor mill has been claiming that Inception's Tom Hardy will be playing Hugo Strange, the crazy psychologist who's obsessed with Batman. And now ScriptFlags.com has gone one step further, claiming that the script, due in January, will be based on "Prey," a Batman storyline from the Legends of the Dark Knight anthology series. (They claim to have been told this by a publicist, which makes it seem less likely to be true.) This also jibes with predictions made by TotalFilm recently.
Friday, 19 November 2010
LEGO Batman: Batman Rebuilt
This film features the voice of Heath Ledger's Chicago stand-in as the Joker.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Wednesday, 17 November 2010
"BAT" Cycles on display
Born to be Wild: Vintage and Celebrity Motorcycles in the Reagan Library's Air Force One Pavilion in Simi Valley, California
Visit the Reagan Library website for more details.
The 'Robin' motorcycle ridden by actor Chris O'Donnell in the 1997 film Batman and Robin
The "Batgirl" motorcycle ridden by actress Alicia Silverstone in the 1997 film Batman and Robin
Visit the Reagan Library website for more details.
The 'Robin' motorcycle ridden by actor Chris O'Donnell in the 1997 film Batman and Robin
The "Batgirl" motorcycle ridden by actress Alicia Silverstone in the 1997 film Batman and Robin
Batman Live set design?
Here's a follow-up photo of the BATMAN LIVE stadium tour proposed set design. I'm thinking this is pretty freakin' cool!!!!
I blogged about this one before. You can read it here.
I blogged about this one before. You can read it here.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Custom Batvan ala Japan
Although custom vans are just a bad memory in North America, they are still hugely popular in Japan. The Bat-van is the result of one van owner's decision to mix a serious love of Batman with Japan's extreme custom van culture.
Japan has a knack for taking American ideas and putting a unique spin on them. Although the custom van craze of the 70s may have originated in America, it is clear when you lay eyes on the Batvan that Japan has made custom van culture their own.
Looking at the Bat-van is overwhelming to the senses. The huge fibreglass wings and body kit mixed with the Batman theme produces something that looks more like animation then the real world. You have to wonder if the top wings or front overhang are removable for highway travel.
Check out this link to view more pics and the rest of the article.
Japan has a knack for taking American ideas and putting a unique spin on them. Although the custom van craze of the 70s may have originated in America, it is clear when you lay eyes on the Batvan that Japan has made custom van culture their own.
Looking at the Bat-van is overwhelming to the senses. The huge fibreglass wings and body kit mixed with the Batman theme produces something that looks more like animation then the real world. You have to wonder if the top wings or front overhang are removable for highway travel.
Check out this link to view more pics and the rest of the article.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Comics can predict the future....sorta
Somebody did a lot of research for this article. In it, it explores the phenomenon of how comics have quasi-predicted the future. It's a great read and kinda creepy how accurate they can be. My favourite is the attack on the Twin Towers ( not that the event was my favourite, just that nobody saw this coming, or won't admit to it. A similar prediction happened on the TV series Lone Gunmen)
That Superman comic from the mid-'70s may not have anticipated the 9/11 attacks ... but this one from September 12, 2001, did.

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18836_6-eerily-specific-world-events-predicted-by-comics_p2.html#ixzz15NVXAcBn
The issue showed the aftermath of an alien invasion on Metropolis, and it included the following panel:
That's right, that image appeared in a Superman comic that came out on the day after the attacks. That's actually supposed to be Lex Luthor's LexCorp building, which is a single tower with a top floor shaped like a giant L.
Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18836_6-eerily-specific-world-events-predicted-by-comics_p2.html#ixzz15NVXAcBn
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Download it and get sued.
As it has gone from VHS to DVD to downloads and pay-per-view, the porn industry, god bless it, has generally been ahead of the curve when it comes to figuring out how this whole digital distribution thing will work.
The music and mainstream movie industries have had to look to adult video to see what their own customer relationships might look like in five years.
But at least one porn director is taking a page from the old-schoolians in music and film (we're looking at you, RIAA) and suing the hell out of prospective customers -- 7,098 of them to be exact.

According to CNET, producer Axel Braun has filed a federal copyright suit against the alleged downloaders, uploaders, and file sharers. They're accused of aiding and abetting in the mass (and allegedly unpaid) enjoyment of Batman XXX, A Porn Parody.
The director filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia. The film was distributed by L.A. and New York-based Vivid Video. So why it was filed out there is beyond us.
"F--- 'em all," Braun told Xbiz, the porn industry news site. "People don't realize that when you pirate a movie it hurts all of the people who work very hard to get it produced--from the cast to the production assistants to the makeup artists...So we are going after every one of them who pirates our content."
The music and mainstream movie industries have had to look to adult video to see what their own customer relationships might look like in five years.
But at least one porn director is taking a page from the old-schoolians in music and film (we're looking at you, RIAA) and suing the hell out of prospective customers -- 7,098 of them to be exact.
Vivid |
The cast of 'Batman XXX ... ' |
The director filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia. The film was distributed by L.A. and New York-based Vivid Video. So why it was filed out there is beyond us.
"F--- 'em all," Braun told Xbiz, the porn industry news site. "People don't realize that when you pirate a movie it hurts all of the people who work very hard to get it produced--from the cast to the production assistants to the makeup artists...So we are going after every one of them who pirates our content."
BATMAN LIVE - World Arena Tour
BATMAN LIVE - World Arena Tour
For the first time in DC Comics history, see Batman the world's most popular DC Super Hero as you've never seen him before, in an all-new, live-action arena adventure, set to take the world by storm. Premiering in the UK in Summer 2011, Batman Live - World Arena Tour is a multi-million pound stage production of unprecedented scale and a must-see for families and Batman fans everywhere.
Based on an original story being created exclusively for the show, Batman Live is a theatrical extravaganza of thrilling stunts, acrobatic acts and illusions. Never before has Gotham City, Wayne Manor, the Batcave and Arkham Asylum been brought to life on stage in a more visually exciting way. Join Batman and Robin as they battle their nemesis The Joker and other super-villains such as The Riddler, Catwoman, The Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, set on destroying Gotham City.
For the first time in DC Comics history, see Batman the world's most popular DC Super Hero as you've never seen him before, in an all-new, live-action arena adventure, set to take the world by storm. Premiering in the UK in Summer 2011, Batman Live - World Arena Tour is a multi-million pound stage production of unprecedented scale and a must-see for families and Batman fans everywhere.
Based on an original story being created exclusively for the show, Batman Live is a theatrical extravaganza of thrilling stunts, acrobatic acts and illusions. Never before has Gotham City, Wayne Manor, the Batcave and Arkham Asylum been brought to life on stage in a more visually exciting way. Join Batman and Robin as they battle their nemesis The Joker and other super-villains such as The Riddler, Catwoman, The Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, set on destroying Gotham City.
Monday, 8 November 2010
Action Figures as Hooks
Action Figures as Hooks 15 Double-Duty Decorating Ideas Real Simple
Action Figures as Hooks
A clever way to re-purpose an everyday item.
Use action figures (that aren't seeing action anymore) as Herculean hooks. Position the arms of each toy straight out in front and apply a two-part epoxy (available at home-improvement stores) over the arms, the shoulders, and the torso, following the package directions. The epoxy will make the outstretched limbs strong enough to support clothing, hats, and even towels. Mount a figure on the wall using two screws placed through the torso.
‘The Dark Knight Returns’ to the Big Screen
Well....whatta think? What about a TV miniseries??? I would go for that.
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Friday, 5 November 2010
BATMAN Jeopardy Template
BATMAN Jeopardy Template
Check out this link for a BATMAN Jeopardy game template that you can us for Friday afternoon fun times.
Check out this link for a BATMAN Jeopardy game template that you can us for Friday afternoon fun times.
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Bruce Wayne SHOCKER : BATMAN goes Global
Bruce Wayne is officially taking his Batman business international.
After "dying" in Final Crisis and time-traveling his way back to the present in writer Grant Morrison's The Return of Bruce Wayne limited series, the millionaire-turned-superhero reveals himself to Gotham City at large as the financial backing of all things Caped Crusader in Batman and Robin No. 16, in comic shops today.
He also tells Gotham, "Batman's war against crime goes global tonight," a mission statement that will play out in Morrison's new Batman Incorporated series launching Nov. 17.
"It's a game-changer," says DC Comics editor in chief Bob Harras. "It does fundamentally alter the way Bruce Wayne presents himself to Gotham City.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Dc Super Heroes: the Ultimate Pop-Up Book!
Product Spotlight: Dc Super Heroes: the Ultimate Pop-Up Book!
In Product Spotlight: Dc Super Heroes: the Ultimate Pop-Up Booktaken from Legion of Gotham, follow link above for original post.
Product Spotlight: Dc Super Heroes: the Ultimate Pop-Up Book!
You can purchase this book online at Amazon.com
About this Book: Critically acclaimed pop-up engineer Matthew Reinhart celebrates the history, heroes, and villains of the DC Universe in this ultimate 3-D masterpiece! Bursting with over 25 impressive pop-ups, this deluxe format features a variety of unique novelty elements-including a light-up Bat-Signal, a cosmic Justice League of America battle scene, a twirling Lasso of Truth, and a transparent Invisible Jet!
Starring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and many more favorite DC characters, this momentous pop-up exploration releases just in time for DC Comics' 75th anniversary. With vibrant illustrations, exciting facts, and an eye-catching design, this is an absolute must-have for DC Super Hero fans of all ages!
Our Take: I'm a fan of Batman books in general. Its an aspect of my collection that I enjoy focusing on. One thing I don't have is a really nice pop-up book, so be still my heart when I get this bad boy in the mail. To call this a pop-up book is really a disservice. This book is absolutely amazing. You can get an idea from the images, its dynamic, detailed and really quite fantastic! I cannot say enough good things about this one. Its great for collectors and children alike. I highly recommend it.
Starring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and many more favorite DC characters, this momentous pop-up exploration releases just in time for DC Comics' 75th anniversary. With vibrant illustrations, exciting facts, and an eye-catching design, this is an absolute must-have for DC Super Hero fans of all ages!
Our Take: I'm a fan of Batman books in general. Its an aspect of my collection that I enjoy focusing on. One thing I don't have is a really nice pop-up book, so be still my heart when I get this bad boy in the mail. To call this a pop-up book is really a disservice. This book is absolutely amazing. You can get an idea from the images, its dynamic, detailed and really quite fantastic! I cannot say enough good things about this one. Its great for collectors and children alike. I highly recommend it.
Image Gallery:
Monday, 1 November 2010
Avengers Assemble! Episode 5: Office Romance
y'know....i don't get tired of people making fun of Marvel superheroes.!!!!! HA!
Friday, 29 October 2010
Fantastic Flashbacks: Superboy TV
Fantastic Flashbacks: Superboy TV show ad
You gotta love the fact that all these old T series are being released on DVD. Heres' the latest one....Superboy!! Personally, I can't wait for the really cheesey '70s version of Spiderman to be released!!!
From a 1991 cable TV trade magazine comes this large format ad for the third season of "The Adventures of Superboy" TV series, starring Gerard Christopher who replaced John Haymes Newton in season two.
You gotta love the fact that all these old T series are being released on DVD. Heres' the latest one....Superboy!! Personally, I can't wait for the really cheesey '70s version of Spiderman to be released!!!
From a 1991 cable TV trade magazine comes this large format ad for the third season of "The Adventures of Superboy" TV series, starring Gerard Christopher who replaced John Haymes Newton in season two.
The Hunt for BATMAN 3's Female Lead
BATMAN-ON-FILM.COM - The Hunt for BATMAN 3's Female Lead Commences (10.26.10)
Over at MOVIEHOLE.COM, Chris Nolan (and I�m sure producers Emma Thomas and Charles Roven) has started meeting with their prospective female lead. Allegedly, Nolan and co. are looking for someone in their late 20s to early 30s and they may not necessarily be a �name actress.�
Over at MOVIEHOLE.COM, Chris Nolan (and I�m sure producers Emma Thomas and Charles Roven) has started meeting with their prospective female lead. Allegedly, Nolan and co. are looking for someone in their late 20s to early 30s and they may not necessarily be a �name actress.�
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Nolan Reveals BATMAN 3's Real Title (10.27.10)
BATMAN-ON-FILM.COM - Nolan Reveals BATMAN 3's Real Title (10.27.10)
Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film will be called “The Dark Knight Rises” and though the Gotham City auteur isn’t ready to reveal the villain of his 2012 film, he did eliminate one of the big contenders: “It won’t be the Riddler,” Nolan said in an exclusive interview with the Hero Complex.
Christopher Nolan’s third Batman film will be called “The Dark Knight Rises” and though the Gotham City auteur isn’t ready to reveal the villain of his 2012 film, he did eliminate one of the big contenders: “It won’t be the Riddler,” Nolan said in an exclusive interview with the Hero Complex.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Monday, 25 October 2010
Night of the Living Zombie Barbies
Occasional Superheroine: Night of the Living Zombie Barbies: "Make your own Barbie Zombie Garden this Halloween I've seen a lot of DIY horror Barbie projects, but this Barbie Zombie Garden by This Momma..."
Just in time for Halloween!!!!
Just in time for Halloween!!!!
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